About Us
Mission Statement
As members of the Denton Police Department, we are committed to the concepts of community oriented policing and serving our citizens, the law-abiding public, appropriately, completely and professionally. We shall work diligently to achieve our principle organizational goal, the protection of the lives and property of the citizens of our town using contemporary technology and professionally accepted procedures. We recognize and respect the rights of all individuals including victims, suspects and accused persons. In those instances in which criminal conduct has occurred, we shall endeavor to uniformly apply our efforts to identify, apprehend and prosecute the perpetrator regardless of the identity, age, sex, race, religion, national origin or social status of the victim or the accused. Where possible our focus shall be on the prevention of violations of the criminal and traffic laws. Accordingly, working in partnerships with our fellow citizens, we shall provide a consistently high quality of police service to all individuals in a manner that conforms to professional standards; the laws of the State of Maryland; and the priorities and values of the community we serve. The only meaningful measure of our success is the level of satisfaction of our citizens.