The Denton Police Department is currently divided into three divisions: Administrative, Patrol and Criminal Investigations. These are all integral parts in providing proactive community policing and law enforcement to the citizens we serve.
The Administrative Division consists of the Chief of Police, Deputy Chief of Police and one administrative assistant.
These officers and staff members conduct the day to day business of the Department and are charged with ensuring the citizens receive the professional policing services they deserve.
Chief Of Police
George W. Bacorn, JR
Administrative Assistant to the Chief of Police
Patti S. Wood
Criminal Investigation Division
In January 2006 the Department initiated its first Criminal Investigation Division or CID.
CID is currently staffed with one full time detective who is charged with investigating complex and time consuming cases. Since its inception CID has closed numerous cases resulting in suspects being brought to justice, stolen property being recovered and victims have been afforded closure.
Deputy Chief of Police
Jamie Secrist
The Patrol Division is the backbone of the Department and consists of two, five officer patrol squads.
These officers work 12 hours shifts handling calls for service and patrolling the Town seven days a week, 365 days a year. Patrol officers are generally the first point of contact a citizen will have with the public and are also tasked with conducting traffic and criminal enforcement, community policing initiatives and general patrol functions.
With nearly 60 years of combined experience patrolling the Town of Denton, our officers are the finest and most knowledgeable in the area.
Patrol Squad A
F/Sgt. Richard Starkey
A/Sgt. Jerry Stivers
Cpl. Mark Snyder
Cpl. Ciaran Mayo
PFC. Demetrius Timmons
PTL. Mathew Viramontes
Patrol Squad B
Sgt. Bradley Korisher
Cpl. Christopher McMullen
PFC. Benjamin Mitzel